Fechter's Finger Flicking Frolic 2009 - The Original Close-Up Magic Convention Photo Site by Antony Gerard.FECHTER'S FINGER FLICKING FROLIC 2009.
Fechters Finger Flicking Frolic 2009.
Fechter's Finger Flicking Frolic 2009.
Thursday April 23rd, 2009
The Recognizable Faces Show
MC Mike Hilburger.
Woody Aragon introduced a jumbo deck which had been cut into quarters.
Woody had Obie and Ron Wohl select one card from each quarter.
After the selections had been made, they were put together and turned face up.
The four cards matched Woody's prediction card.
Mark Zacharia performed a VooDoo doll with cards.
Mark was assisted by Maria Schwieter and George Silverman.
Raj Madhok made an elephant with a towel and performed a unique rice production.
Raj was assisted by Marc Oberon and Scott Robinson.
In the left Michel Asselin performed a Coins Across.
On the right Obie and Edward Ripley assist with a rope routine.
Peter McLanachan had Mike Powers, Dan Garrett, and Tom Craven each select cards.
After the deck was shuffled, Peter produced the selected cards in a fan.
Jay McLaughlin performed Bob Hummers Whirling Card,
a bill change (Dollar to hundred and back to a dollar),
Multiplying Pill Bottles, and Airborne Glass.
Keith Fields did some hat juggling followed by a nice three card assembly.
Kolos Parkanyi performed a variation of Paul Harris "Immaculate Connection" followed
By a Cups and Mirror Balls. After juggling the Mirror Balls, Kolos produced a full drink.
Rod Chow performed his Money Act.
Andy Dallas performed one of the best Zombie Ball routines that I have ever seen.
Mathieu Bich performed a variation of Cardboard Chameleons, a great color change,
And with the assistance of Obie, Mathieu caused the image of a selected card to
Materialize on a wet napkin. Mathieu always has something new up his sleeve.
Luis Otero performed a nice Color Change to Selected Card.
Then with the assistance of Edward Ripley and Mike Powers, Luis
performed a variation of Vernon's Matching The Pairs.