Antony Gerard's Flash Bang Device
Flash Bang Device is one of Antony Gerard's
newest marketed items and is a great addition to any show!
Flash Bang Device = $20.00 plus shipping
Below is a list of what you receive with
Antony Gerard's Flash Bang Device
You receive;
One Flash Bang Device with attached Velcro, the Velcro Ring,
small package of Flash Cotton, small tube of surgical adhesive,
24 plastic caps, three dental bands, a piece of Velcro, and
the instruction booklet
I have always enjoyed adding a little flash and bang to some of my magic routines.
The problem that I encountered with my flash devices is, you got one or two flashes,
and then you had to secretly reload the device. Plus, you would often have to hide
the device so that your spectators did not see it. This was often difficult with
hand-held devices that attached to your fingers.
Flash-Bang was my answer to these problems.
Flash-Bang is the result of several months of trial-and-error experiments.
My first attempt was a solid ring and a solidly affixed bang device (2016).
The problem was, you still had only one flash before you had to remove
the ring, reload the device, and then secretly put it back on your finger.
Plus, the ring was difficult to resize for large, medium, or small fingers.
My Flash-Bang was a HOT prop; however, it was not yet a workers prop.
There were still bugs that I had to BANG out.
In 2020, I discovered a new type of Velcro. It was a two-sided Velcro.
One piece could attach to itself, instead of needing two pieces to do so.
This made the sizing issue go away. Then it dawned on me. By adding
a piece of Velcro onto the bang device, it was easily removed from the
Velcro ring. This made reloading the bang device much easier. It also
made it so that, and after creating your Flash-Bang, you could drop
the bang device behind something on your table or into a servante.
Then secretly pick up, via the Velcro ring, a second bang device that
you had hidden on your table, and you are ready to create another
Flash-Bang. You could have several bang devices hidden on your
table, so that when you needed to create a Flash-Bang, you had
simply to push the Velcro ring onto the hidden bang device and
you were ready to go. Because the bang device is metal, it is
attracted to magnets. You could have a magnet attached to
the back of your table or under the back of your vest or
sport coat. The discarded bang devices can now be
easily attached to the hidden magnet.
See shipping information below.
The following price is for Priority Mail Shipping
(Ground shipping prices are available upon request).
We also offer combined shipping discounts.
Please contact us about combined shipping costs.