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Antony Gerard's
Happy Hour Lecture.

Happy Hour Lecture Book

Antony Gerard's Forth Lecture

Cost = $30.00 plus shipping.

Below are but a few of the
items covered in this book

There are many routines and moves taught in Happy Hour.
One being, "The Spectator Finds The Card."

  A spectator freely selects a card and is allowed to cut
the selected card into the deck while the performers
back is turned. Let us assume that the selected card
is the Queen-of-Hearts. Next, the performer turns to
face the spectator and asks him/her to name any
card in the deck other than the selected card. The
performer now states that the named card will be
used as a magician and that the magician has to
find the first selected card, the Queen Of Hearts.
Let us assume that the second selected card
(the named card) is the Seven Of Clubs. The
spectator is now instructed to spell the name
of the magician, Seven Of Clubs, and the last
card dealt, the 'S' in the word Clubs, will be
the selected card.

Some of the other ideas and routines are;
The Prisoner, Mirror Mirror,
Impossible Coin From Card
D'Lite Crystal, Quad Silk Production,
A Linking Ring Move And Idea,
Bookmarks, Numbered Deck Idea #1,
Numbered Deck Idea #2, The Clock,
AGI Switch, Invisible Thread Ideas,
Wite-Out, Miraculous String tying the knot,
White Flower Liquid, ESP Ultimate Prediction,
Semi-Impromptu Balloon Penetration
New Double lift idea, Deal Down Force variation,
Coin in the Bottle removal idea,
New Flipper ideas, Balancing Coins with invisible thread,
A few random ideas, Waste Basket Square Circle,
The Mail Box, Tightrope Suspension
Computer Production, Billiard Ball Idea,
and my work on The Green Dot Card.

Happy Hour Lecture Book
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E-Mail; AntonyGerard@msn.com">