Gerard Enterprises Home Page.Gerard Enterprises is a manufactures of mascots, masks, magic supplies, special effects, haunted house props, costumes, movie props, and supplier of stage lighting and sound equipment.Special Effects, Props, And Custom Design Page
Special Effects, Props, And Custom Designs
A Vancouver based film crew came to Michigan to film an episode for Storm Warning,
a Television series that features recreations of catastrophic events. In this episode they
were reenacting the crash of a private plane that went down in Lake Michigan during a
dense fog. To recreate the weather conditions that caused the crash, they contacted
Michigan based special effects artist Antony Gerard. In the two pictures above, the
actual crew from the Coast Guard rescue party can be seen searching for the lost
survivors during the reenactment. Because the filming was done on location, which
was a mile out in Lake Michigan, we had to load and bring all of the equipment,
using boats, out into the lake. The equipment included generators, wind machines
and ten fog machines with 100,000 cubic feet per minute output. Mr. Gerard also
assisted the director and film crew is setting up some of the shots.
The Electric Professor
This mascot was sculpted by Antony Gerard for Grand Rapids based The Electric Professor.