This is one of the Clock Top Hats that I manufacture.
Each hat is a one-of-a-kind creation unless you order two of the same.

Clock Top Hat
Clock hat with leather hatband and silver card suit conchos.
Top Hat with leather hatband
Cost = $79.00 plus shipping
You receive Antony Gerard's Clock Top Hat
This top hat is an extra large hat size. The hat size is easily
reduced by attaching an adhesive foam pad in the inside of the hat's brim.
This is a battery operated clock that tell the correct time.
The four main hours are on the face of the clock while the
other eight hours are on the brim of the hat. This is done to
make it look as though the eight hours have fallen of the clock.
The number one hour is bent slightly over the brim of the hat.
I did this to ad a little Savadore Dali influence. To make it
look as though the number one was melting off of the hat.
The hat is made of hard stock, with a satin inside and velvet outside.
The hatband is real leather with different decorations attached.
The decorations used determine the cost of the finished Top hat.
Each hat is a one of a kind hat
Antony Gerard's Clock Top Hat
See shipping information below.
The following price is for Priority Mail Shipping
(Ground shipping prices are available upon request).
We also offer combined shipping when ordering more than one item.
