Antony Gerard's
The Black Bag
A card and coin utility prop
Cost = $20.00 plus shipping
Order Number = MA-0024
What you receive,
Antony Gerard's The Black Bag instructions,
three Black Bags, special playing card, and
special material for the transformations.
Antony Gerard's The Black Bag
Effect; The performer places a prediction card
in a translucent bag and attaches the bag, in full.
view of the spectators, on his/her jacket pocket.
Next, the performer has a playing card freely selected
by a spectator and has the spectator sign his/her card.
Now the card is shuffled back into the deck.
The performer now removed the prediction card
from the bag and turns the card face-up.
Not only is the card the correct card,
it is the spectator's signed card!."
A card that has been in full view the whole time.
This is a real killer!
The Black Bag is a utility prop that may be
employed in card, coin, bill, and other routines.
Antony Gerard's The Black Bag
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(Ground shipping prices are available upon request).
We also offer combined shipping when ordering more than
one item. Please contact up for details on combined orders.