Michigan Magic Day (46th Annual).Michigan Magic Day 2015.
Michigan Magic Day 2015.
Contact Information for Michigan Magic Day 2015 events.
Mailing address:
The Timid Rabbit Magic Shop
2001 West Main Street
Kalamazoo Michigan 49006
Phone: 269-344-2001
Web Site: www.MichiganMagicDay2015.com
Cell Phone: 269-501-2573
Alternate Cell Phone: 269-599-4328
This year all events will take place at the
Holiday Inn West
2747 South Eleventh Street
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49009
Phone: 269-375-6000
Mention Michigan Magic Day 2015
For a discounted room rate.
The Holiday Inn West is our host hotel.
For event information please see our "SCHEDULE" button below.